In this dyslexia blog article I would like to give an update on the Dyslexia World Forum:The World Dyslexia Forum took place this year in Paris.If you go to the Dyslexia International website you can access the notes from the speeches made by people like : Prof. John Stein ( Oxford University). part of the World Dyslexia Forum activities a free online training course about dyslexia is being launched :
Basics for teachers – Dyslexia: Identification and What to do
This online learning course for teacher trainees is designed for use in national and local education authorities’ teacher-training programmes.
Ministries of Education, Local Education Services, and units for Special Education Needs can apply to access the free course by contacting Dyslexia International for details.
They will be asked first to sign conditions for use.
The course consists of three sections:
The first section definition of dyslexia and looks at the causes
The second part provides informal tests for teachers to use to detect whether or not a child may have dyslexia.
The third section focuses on how to include children with dyslexia in mainstream classrooms wherever possible, and on the tools and techniques that meet the learning needs of these children, in particular for the acquisition of literacy skills.
The course in available in French and English.
In Turkey it is complusory for trainee teachers to cover special needs as part of their course.However the quality and amount of training may vary from university to university. In addition, in Turkey we badly need in-service training for teachers already working in schools ;as most teachers are oblivious of dyslexia !! Since dyslexia is one of the most common problems a teacher will come across at the chalkface ;it is imperative that teachers are trained and given practical strategies to help them to assist dyslexic children.
Very shortly all children in Turkey will be back at school in their classrooms.For all children,but especially for those who are dyslexic or have a learning disability, concentration can have a key impact on their success or failure to achieve.
Often childrens' concentration can be affected by seemingly simple things such as uncomfortable seating, poor nourishment and dehydration. *The World Health Organisation found that if a person is 2% dehydrated their ability to concentrate will fall by 20% .
You need to drink about 2 litres of water a day, depending on the weather conditions and your level of activity. As a result we need to encourage our children to drink sufficient water while at school.*In addition school pupils need to eat healthy foods and snacks. Unfortunately in most Turkish schools the canteens where children can buy snacks at break and lunch-times only offer unhealthy fast foods and sugary drinks such as cola. Instead of giving money for the canteen you could give your child some fruit or nuts etc to take with them.*In addition, parents should encourage children to take regular exercise and to reduce tv/ computer time. Watching too much tv can drastically affect concentration. *Children also need a good nights sleep if they are going to be able to concentrate fully .So make sure your kid goes to bed early !!
Mark Champkins ,a clever inventor, runs a UK company which develops and make products to help children concentrate at school.His products include a chairpadbag - a bag that doubles as a padded seat. Also a bottlecoolerpenholder - which
has an insultating jacket for water bottles that store pens/pencils and reminds the children to drink during lessons.Mark Champkins has won some awards for his product designs.
Have a look at his company site and also his blog which has some interesting information about concentration. Dyslexia Blog we wish all returning dyslexic students success in their studies !
Dalton Sherman is an American fifth-grader who gave a wonderful motivating and inspiring key-note speech at a teachers conference in the USA sometime ago ..
Dalton is not dyslexic however I think his words are still very relevant and thought provoking and also truely inspiring..
It is crucial for a dyslexic child to believe in themselves,despite their apparent short-comings in certain areas.Unfortunately, however self-confidence is often lacking in many kids.Also teachers need to believe in the dyslexic child and make it clear to them that they have faith that they can succeed. Here is the text of Dalton's speech- with a few alterations.
To get the full impact of his speech watch the video on the internet : keyword : Dalton Sherman )
"I believe in me. Do you believe in me?
Do you believe I can stand up here, fearless, and talk to all 20,000 of you?
Hey, my school – do you believe in me?
That's right – they do.
Because here's the deal: I can do anything, be anything, create anything, dream anything, become anything – because you believe in me.
And it rubs off on me.
Let me ask you a question..
Do you believe in my classmates?
Do you believe that every single one of us can graduate ready for college or the workplace? You better. Because next week, we're all showing up in your schools –
and what we need from you is to believe that we can reach our highest potential.
No matter where we come from, you better not give up on us. No, you better not.
Because, as you know, in some cases, you're all we've got. You're the ones who feed us, who wipe our tears, who hold our hands or hug us when we need it. You're the ones who love us when sometimes it feels like no else does – and when we need it the most.
Don't give up on my classmates.
Do you believe in your colleagues?
I hope so. They came to your school because they wanted to make a difference, too. Believe in them, trust them and lean on them when times get tough – and we all know, we kids can sometimes make it tough.
Am I right?
Can I get an Amen?
So, whether you're a counselor or a librarian, a teacher assistant or work in the front office, whether you serve up meals in the cafeteria or keep the halls clean, or whether you're a teacher or a principal, we need you!
Please, believe in your colleagues, and they'll believe in you.
Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe that what you're doing is shaping not just my generation, but that of my children – and my children's children?
There's probably easier ways to make a living, but I want to tell you, on behalf of all of the students in , we need you. We need you now more than ever.
Believe in yourself.
Finally, do you believe that every child in Turkey needs to be ready for college or the workplace? Do you believe that Turkish students can achieve?
We need you, ladies and gentlemen. We need you to know that what you are doing is the most important job in the city today. We need you to believe in us, in your colleagues, in yourselves and in our goals. "