Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Song about Dyslexia

In 2009, some musicans in New Zealand came together on a project to raise awareness and understanding of dyslexia. They produced a song which was released to celebrate Dyslexia Action Week .

The song was written by Don McGlashan, who is a parent of two dyslexic children .The single ‘The Closer You Get, The Bigger I Look’ is available for free download from the following site :

Here are the words of the song :

I might stand out
I might be someone you’d like to meet
I might fit in
I could be anyone on the street

You better watch me
You better watch me

If you’re gonna judge the cover
You better read the book
Cause the closer you get
The bigger I look

And if I hit the wall
I’m gonna find my own way round
And if I fall
I’m gonna get right back off the ground

You better watch me
You better watch me

Chorus x2

Oh yeah, the bigger I look
The bigger I look
The bigger I look

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