Monday, January 24, 2011

A website for children with learning disabilities

Produced by Schwab Learning, is a free, website for students aged 8-12 who have learning disabilities, including dyslexia. . It is interactive and allows kids to ask questions, play games, and learn about themselves and others .

Explore is the section that provides information about the brain, learning, and how it all works. It contains tips on studying.

Create is an area that allows students to undertake a variety of creative activities such as drawing pictures, manipulating images, mixing music, recording voices or writing .

There are online games.

Childrens can also connect with others with learning disabilities around the world.

There is a useful BrainPop movie on Dyslexia designed for children.


Cassie said...

Thanks for these sites! I will check them out with my son :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, there are alot of great resources here! Thanks for what you do!