Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Many people see dyslexia just as a reading and writing difficulty. But the problems that cause these difficulties also impact on many other life skills. The Edysgate project has developed a series of Internet-based training modules to train specific skills for dyslexic persons.

There are a number of games available which can help to train the following skills:

Auditory discrimination - this can be defined as “the ability to identify and distinguish between different sounds.

Auditory memory - involves being able to take in information that is presented orally, to process such information, store it in one’s mind and then recall what one has heard.

Auditory sequence

Visual discrimination - is the ability to recognise similarities and differences between visual images. For example the ability to match a circle or square within a whole series of different forms.

Visual memory - is the ability to recall information that has been presented visually.

Visual sequence- to the ability to see objects in a particular sequential order

Spatial position (e.g. top, bottom, behind, ahead, left, right).

It is geared to young dyslexic adults e.g. after school, at vocational training, at university, at the beginning of their professional career

The principles behind the exercises are not specific for any given language - they will work for all individuals across Europe.
On the left side of the home page – click on ‘learning games’. You will need to give a users name and a password – after you can start to play the games


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