Monday, February 23, 2009


Lattice multiplication

Very often children with dyslexia or learning disabilites may find problems with the traditonal method for long multiplication.This is because it relies heavily on the working memory .

If your child is struggling with multi-digit multiplication then lattice multiplication is a good tool to try out as it will help them to gain confidence.

Lattice multiplication is a method of multiplying large numbers using a grid. This method breaks the multiplication process into smaller steps, which some students find easier. Digits to be carried are written within the grid, making them harder to miss.

Here is an explanation of the lattice multiplication method :

Let's multiply 216 x 32. First write the 216 across the top, and the 32 down the right side of a 3x2 rectangle. ( see above diagram )

Now fill in the lattice by multiplying the two digits found at the head of the column and to the right of the row eg 6x3 .

When the partial product is two digits, the first (10's) digit goes above the diagonal and the second (1's) digit goes on the lower right of the diagonal. If the partial product is only one digit, a zero is placed in the triangle above the diagonal in the square.

At this point, we have the multiplication done. Now we add along the diagonals beginning in the lower right to get the final product. Any "carries" when adding are illustrated outside the rectangle.

(This explanation is from : )

To watch a demonstration video of Lattice multiplication go to :
Mary Bryan Elementary School : Maths videos

Also :

For blank lattice grids go to :


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